Exam Prep

Exam Prep Comprehensive Exams
Starting exam prep two weeks in advance may seem like overkill to your child, but advance preparation, organization and time management are essential to effectively study for comprehensive exams.
Two Weeks -One Week Before Exams:
  • Encourage your child to talk to his or her teacher about content and format of exams. Will the exam come from old tests? Will a study guide be provided? Will there be an essay? Will the test include fill-in-the blank, true/false, matching or a combination of these? Will the teacher emphasize overall themes or specific details? Knowing these answers will help your child study in a way that reflects the way he or she will be tested. If your child struggles when talking to teachers, you can help them create a checklist to use when talking to teachers.
  • Begin Gathering Materials Now! You do not want to wait until the night before to realize you are missing key study materials.
    • Go through backpacks, binders, lockers, desks, and books to find loose papers, old tests, important notes and worksheets.
    • Make copies of any missing papers
    • Make sure all important documents are CORRECTED!
  • Create an Exam Binder with a section for each class, so that you will have a central location for all of your study materials. Each section should have the following:
    • Review materials provided by teacher
    • Old tests/quizzes (corrected!!)
    • Important handouts/notes/worksheets
    • Any practice tests/flashcards/study guides used during semester
  • Create a Study Schedule
    • Prioritize your time…study the material from earlier in the year or the most difficult concepts first and then review them again later
    • Study in Manageable Chunks of Time. Studying smaller amounts of material in smaller increments of time (20-30 min) can be more effective than sitting down for several hours with a big stack of papers
    • Block out time to move, eat, relax…put it on your study schedule

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